Foycast XI: Graveyard Love

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Foycast XI: Graveyard LoveSo many people have repeatedly asked, “When are you going to do another Foycast?” Your 16-month wait is finally over! The 275,986th most pointless podcast on the Internet finally returns to the broadcast airwaves to rob listeners of 90 minutes of their time. Careful what you wish for.

The recording of this show last week was mostly an experiment to see if I could even make it happen for reasons I’ll explain at the outset of the show. That’s also why this will be the first Foycast without Uncle Creepy. Instead I’ll be joined by Dread Central’s own Matt Fini. That’s yet another thing I explain at the show’s outset. Because there was no guarantee the recording would even work (about 13 minutes of it had to be scrapped in post due to audio issues), Fini and I went into this with almost no game plan and somehow still managed to fill over an hour and a half. You do realize you could watch an actual movie in the time it will take you to listen this show?

Topics discussed include a brief discussion of last week’s “Piranhacontroversy”, Fini and I review the modern day Golan-Globus commando flick Act of Valor, talk about insanely astronomical movie budgets and why they probably shouldn’t be wasted on movies like Battleship, I recount some unfortunate evening news sound bites, “graveyard love”, and a look forward at the major movie releases of 2013 that somehow dragged on far longer than I ever imagined it could when I brought up the topic.

So if you have about 95 minutes to waste – let’s be honest, if you’re willing to listen to this and count the number of times I say “umm”, you truly are wasting them – here it is: the 11th Foycast over one year in the making.

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