*UPDATED* Rest Stop Specs, Date Announced

Warner Bros. have finally announced the solid release date and specs for the first of the films being produced under their direct-to-DVD line Raw Feed, John Shiban’s Rest Stop. The story is about two friends on a road trip who get stuck at an out-of-the-way rest stop and are soon stalked by a mentally deranged psychopath.
Warners will release the disc on October 17th with both an R-rated and unrated edition being available. I’d like to take a moment and comment on how little sense that makes. You’re releasing a direct-to-disc film specifically for the horror crowd; why would you need two versions? Who’s really going to forego the unrated disc for the “safer” R-rated one?
Takes all kinds, I guess. Both discs will contain two alternate endings and the film’s trailer, whereas the unrated will also include two featurettes: “Scotty’s Home Movies” and “On the Bus.” Check out the disc artwork below:

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