Activision Developing FPS Version of The Walking Dead Video Game

Activision has announced that they will be developing a first-person shooter based on The Walking Dead! The game will be centered around Daryl Dixon and his brother Merle and is not to be confused with Telltale Games’ game series.
The game will be developed by Terminal Reality and will be based on the AMC television show The Walking Dead. Players will get a chance to step into the shoes of the brothers Daryl and Merle as they make their way across the undead infestations of Atlanta. You will take on the role as the character of Daryl, and use his sharp-shooter skills―as well as all your senses such as sight, sound and smell―to avoid being seen by zombies.
The game will offer up very little supplies to make your journey, and you will have to manage your resources effectively to survive. Daryl will encounter other characters that can either aid or hinder his journey and it is up to the player rather any of them accompany him. Activision stated, “No place is truly safe for Daryl as he makes his way through the Georgia countryside in this new, post-apocalyptic world.”
The Walking Dead will be available for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2013.
You can visit the official Activision website to keep up with all the news on the upcoming game.
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