50 STATES OF FRIGHT Streaming Service Quibi Shutting Down Soon

Short-form streaming service Quibi launched back in April. And today, barely six months later, we hear it will be shutting down. What does this mean for horror fans? Well, it calls in question the future of such shows as Sam Raimi’s 50 States of Fright, The Stranger, The Expecting, and Spielberg’s After Dark.
Wall Street Journal reports that several shows have been renewed but no one knows what will happen to them – or the rest of Quibi’s library after it shuts down.
There is no word on when Quibi will shut down but we will make sure to stay on top of this story as it develops and pass along updates as we hear them. Stay tuned!
For those that might not know, 50 States of Fright is a horror anthology series that debuted on Quibi on April 6, 2020. Executive produced by Sam Raimi, it features scary stories from every state in the United States directed by the likes of Raimi, Alejandro Brugués, Scott Beck & Bryan Woods, and Lee Cronin.

Are you sad to see Quibi go? Make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!