Nightmares Film Festival: Masquerade – Day Three

During the festival’s third day (Friday), I split my time between both short blocks and feature films, which isn’t hard to do given the sheer amount of both to choose from. On the short side of things, I made sure to tackle the Dollar Babies block, which was comprised of short film adaptations of Stephen King stories. My favorite of the lot ended up being “All That You Love Will Be Carried Away“, which was more somber and contemplative than scary…but so is King sometimes!

The “midnight shorts” blocks at Nightmares Film Festival are always wild and entertaining. Masquerade has been no different in this regard. I have had the pleasure of sitting through two such blocks thus far, with some highlights being the unnerving “Pursuit of a Jigsaw“, the wacky “Pork Chop“, and the highly disturbing “Killing Small Animals“.

As for the features, here’s a rundown of the standouts from my Friday selections…

This is an occasionally-trippy and often brutal desert-set thriller that trucks in themes of morality, responsibility, and vengeance. I’ve never really seen anything quite like it before.

The Legend of Boggy Creek
NFF always tries to have a repertory screening that showcases a brand new remaster of a genre classic. Past years have shown off new restorations of William Lustig’s Maniac and Jorg Buttgereit’s Nekromantik. This year, the film of choice is Charles B. Pierce‘s aforementioned 1972 drive-in classic. The new 4K remaster is the best this film has ever looked, so if you are a fan like I am, I suggest that you seek it out.

What Happens Next Will Scare You
This is the latest film from the filmmakers behind the cult classic WNUF Halloween Special and it shares a lot of DNA with that film. This time ’round they are telling a more modern tale that lays out the pitfalls of cursed musical recordings, clickbait journalism, and the folly of renting a big office space for your website in today’s world. Fear not, however, as there are plenty of old TV/VHS aged footage segments scattered throughout. If you are a fan of WNUF, you’ll find at least a few things to like here.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to bounce and watch some more movies!

Are you virtually attending Nightmares Film Festival: Masquerade? What have you seen already and what else are you looking forward to watching as the weekend progresses? By all means, let us know in the comments below or on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram! You can also hit me up directly on Twitter @DanielWBaldwin.



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