San Diego Comic-Con 2012: Adam Green and BJ McDonnell Talk Hatchet III

Friday the 13th just got a whole lot bloodier here at Comic-Con as Evan Dickson had a chance to sit down with the nuts and bolts of the upcoming flick Hatchet III. Read on for all of the latest.
BJ, what’s it like taking over this franchise? You were the camera operator on the first two.
BJ: We basically went over what Adam wanted to do with the story and what I wanted to do and wanted to show. And we came up with the whole thing together. It was a natural progression. I knew the characters, the story and the cast. It all came together pretty easily.
Adam, what was it like watching someone hold your baby like that?
Adam: I’ve been getting fan mail where people are concerned, but they shouldn’t be. I wrote it, I’m producing it and my name is above the title. I really want this to be good. In some ways it was harder because when you’re on set, you’re only worried about making the movie. Being behind the scenes you’re worried about everything.
BJ: And we made the schedule. We stuck to the script and shot it and made it through. Even though we were in the swamp dealing with snakes, spiders and mud in the rain. We were in the thick of it all.
The first two basically take place in the same 24-hour period.
Adam: And this is the next one. It picks up right were it left off.
BJ: Marybeth doesn’t sleep.
Adam: It starts right after she blew his head off in the second one.
You could almost watch all three of these as one movie then?
Adam: There’s a plan way down the road that we want to do a version of all three together. And there’s stuff we shot for the first one that we would put back in. Someway down the road there’s going to be an edition where it’s the whole movie as one movie. And Marybeth is different in this one. This time she’s beyond the hysterics she was in in the second movie, now she’s almost completely shut down.
BJ: She’s been through so much.
Adam: If you think about the three films as one movie, the first one is the first act. Hatchet 2 is where things get dark. And then Hatchet 3 is when we get to the climax. It’s incredibly violent from the get-go. We both feel really strongly that this is the best of the three movies.
BJ: There are so many characters in this one.
Adam: But now we’re on Part 3 and the audience knows the deal and we can hit the ground running. It’s so much bigger. All the money went to extravagant stunts. After going through the first two we both had a lot of ideas on how to make it better. BJ’s visual language is amazing. Anybody who is concerned is going to be blown away. We kept it in the family. Passing the baton was seamless. The cast and crew accepted him immediately and we were ready to go.
Hatchet III opens on the ultraviolent final shot of Hatchet II and continues the tale of the now iconic slasher villain Victor Crowley (Kane Hodder). As a search and recovery team heads into the haunted swamp to pick up the pieces and carnage left behind from the first two films, Marybeth (Danielle Harris) hunts down the true secret to ending the voodoo curse that has left the ghost of Victor Crowley haunting and terrorizing Honey Island Swamp for decades.
The sequel is a co-production of MPI/Dark Sky Films and Green’s Los Angeles-based ArieScope Pictures. The film marks cinematographer McDonnell’s directorial debut after having handled A and B camera operations on such features as Rob Zombie’s Halloween remake, Timur Bekmambetov’s Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, and Adam Green’s first two Hatchet films.

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