San Diego Comic-Con 2012: Being Human Showrunner and Cast Drop a Few Hints for Season 3

Hands down the funniest group we spoke with during Comic-Con was the cast of Syfy’s “Being Human”. We also caught their panel and learned a bit more than during the all too brief roundtable interviews. Their banter was so entertaining we totally didn’t care if we got scoops or not!
Executive producer Anna Ficke, who’s now the sole showrunner since her husband, Jeremy Carver, left “BH” for “Supernatural”, said his absence hasn’t affected the show since they wrote the first episode and worked out the arc of the whole season together. In fact, that morning they’d been talking about Aidan and Bishop – good news to fans of Mark Pellegrino, who also appeared in the Season 3 sizzle reel they showed us (we expect that to pop up online shortly).
They are well into filming the new season, which should begin airing some time in January, 2013. It picks up a little over a year after the end of Season 2. Now that dangerous, life threatening decisions have been made, what are the consequences? The theme is “be careful what you wish for.” There will be a lot more interaction among the roommates with them banding together to a greater extent.
Ficke mentioned a new guest star we hadn’t heard about yet. Along with Bobby Campo as a mortician and Xander Berkeley as Brynn and Connor’s father, Amy Aquino will be playing a mysterious woman who helps Josh and Aidan find Sally.
As far as similarities to the UK show, Ficke hasn’t watched past Season 1 to avoid any intentional crossover, but sometimes parallel storylines have emerged organically. As she sees it, “When you swim in the same supernatural pond, some similarities are bound to occur.”
Sam Witwer, Meaghan Rath, and Sam Huntington are pretty much inseparable so their comments were constantly intertwined and, as mentioned, hilarious, but they were all quite stingy about revealing anything. Looking back at how far they’ve come, Meaghan mentioned that the most challenging aspect of her character at first was not being able to touch anything or anyone… and now it’s having to put up with each other.
Huntington was asked if there will there be any changes in the romance area for Josh in Season 3, and he assured us that everything he went through in Season 2 pays off beautifully. He and Nora are in a “really interesting place” now. And his relationship with Aidan reverses with Josh coming into his own; the wolf protects the vamp for a change.
Witwer provided the biggest spoiler of the day: Aidan gets out of the coffin! But he’s not firing on all cylinders, and social anxiety and awkwardness are introduced in the character. We will also see Aidan in yet another flashback to a different era this season.
Check out a couple of clips from the panel below; they’ll give you a good idea of the kind of shenanigans that went on.
For more info on the show join the Syfy Google+ circle, “like” “Being Human” on Facebook, and follow “Being Human” on Twitter.

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