Doug Jones Laments Guillermo del Toro’s “Hauntingly Beautiful” FRANKENSTEIN

Guillermo del Toro has had his fair share of films fall apart including The Haunted Mansion and At the Mountains of Madness. But maybe his version of Frankenstein is the one we should lament the most. At least according to actor Doug Jones.
According to Jones, creature shop, Spectral Motion did a makeup test during pre-production based on Swamp Thing co-creator Bernie Wrightson’s illustrations.
Jones tells Collider: “I never went through a makeup test myself for it. But I did go to the creature shop, Spectral Motion, who was developing the look for him at the time…I was there for something else, and Mike Elizalde, the owner of the shop, said ‘I gotta show you something’. Then he unveiled a head and shoulders bust of me with this monster makeup built on it. It was like, honestly, my eyes welled it. It was so hauntingly beautiful, and it did pay reverence to Bernie Wrightson’s artwork and gave you a different-looking Frankenstein’s monster than what you’re used to.”
He continues: “[M]y first thought is that I’m not the big, broad, big-boned lumbering Frankenstein that you have in mind. But it was told to me, Guillermo is a big fan of Bernie Wrightson, and a friend of Bernie Wrightson and Bernie had illustrated a version of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, and all of the images of Frankenstein’s monster in that, that’s what he was going to pattern my look after. Which was more emaciated, a little skinnier, a little more pathetic. And yet, had an unnatural physical prowess, an unnatural athleticness to him. He was sewn together with spare parts of a couple of different bodies. Very bony face, long, stringy, drawn hair.”
Jones guesses Universal’s Dark Universe failure killed Del Toro’s Frankenstein.
He says: “I have not heard hide nor hair of that ever since. But if offered, I would kill to…anything Guillermo does, he knows I’ll say yes to whatever, and I’ll find out the story later. He’s the one director I trust with whatever he offers me.”

Are you bummed Del Toro’s Frankenstein got the axe? Hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!