Fantasia 2012: Two New Clips: Errors of the Human Body and Dead Sushi

Bloody Disgusting
Montreal’s 16th annual Fantasia International Film Festival is in full swing and running from now through August 7th, and new clips from two of the movies being shown at Canada’s biggest film dance are here. Check it out!
Both clips come via Bloody Disgusting. Head on over to the official Fantasia International Film Festival website for full scheduling information.
ERRORS OF THE HUMAN BODY (Germany-USA) Dir: Eron Sheean
Written and directed by Sheean, who penned last year’s THE DIVIDE, ERRORS OF THE HUMAN BODYis an unsettling, stylistically bold look at the personal and ethical horrors of modern genetic engineering, oscillating quite ambiguously between pure science and terrifying science fiction. Stars Michael Eklund. World Premiere.
DEAD SUSHI (Japan) Dir: Noboru Iguchi
After geishas, schoolgirls and robots, we thought director Noboru Iguchi couldn’t turn more of the strongest Japanese symbols into killing machines. We were wrong! Here comes the zombie sushi! Incredibly charismatic young actress Rina Takeda (HIGH KICK GIRL) star in this hilarious, bloody and action packed joyride where Iguchi proves once again that imagination, talent and passion will always prevail. World Premiere, hosted by Director / Co-Writer Noboru Iguchi and Actress Rina Takeda

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