Stop Reading This and Go to the Movies!

This past week the cinema-loving world suffered a completely senseless and vicious tragedy. To lots of people, including myself, the movie theatre is a sacred place. Hallowed ground. We go there to escape the horrors of the real world, and now is a very important time to do just that.
In the days following the tragic shooting that took place in Aurora, Colorado, in which an absolutely insane cretin took the lives of several people and injured dozens more, it seems as if everyone has gone wild. People are afraid of going to the movies for fear of copycats. The usual vultures are looking to politicize the situation and point fingers, as if doing so could somehow start healing the wound left by this terrible incident. This has to stop.
The person who committed these heinous crimes didn’t do so for any reason other than he’s a mentally unstable and sick individual. Trying to blame things like The Dark Knight Rises, horror movies, heavy metal, or video games is pointless and in the end really doesn’t accomplish anything or matter. We’ll never know the genesis of this man’s lunacy. So let’s move past that and concentrate on realizing how fragile life truly is and make every day count.
I was in Manhattan at the time of 9/11. I had to walk from the city to my home in Brooklyn. For all the horrors that I witnessed on that day, I also saw a lot of beauty. Everyone seemed to have shed their skin of hatred, bias, and baggage. Everyone the whole walk home was just trying to help each other. Black, white, Hispanic, gay, straight – it just didn’t matter. We were all looking out for one another every step of the way, and that’s something I consider myself lucky to have witnessed. We need more times like this independent of tragedy.
People who commit crimes like this thrive on causing people to live in fear, and every second that we spend doing so contributes to their twisted cause… whatever that cause may be. They don’t ever think about the possibility that the repercussions of their actions could serve the opposite purpose of what they were intending. It’s time once again to let go of yourself and your ideals. Time to just be human and have compassion for one another. We’re all the same. Movie lovers. Don’t let this son of a bitch take that away from you. Go out. Head to the theatre. Be safe, and have a great time.
“Only love can conquer hate” – Marvin Gaye
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