Saturday Nightmares Returns This Weekend

Dread Central regulars might remember my short-lived column from 2010. I drudged up older genre films on a weekly basis in an effort to give them their day in the sun. But I found myself bogged down in real life stuff at the time that prevented me from continuing on. I always intended on bringing it back, and I’m happy to say that day is nearly upon us!
My reason for bringing back Saturday Nightmares is simple: I believe the best horror sites on the Internet are the ones that keep their audiences appraised of all things present and past. Yes, breaking stories and covering the “here and now” on the horror beat is of the utmost importance for any successful genre site. And while that’s all fine and good, I always find myself perking up the most when it comes to other features: retrospectives, film reviews, editorials, etc. For some reason, horror fans love to talk about their favorite (and not-so-favorite) films for hours on end. And that’s going to be one of my aims here: to provoke discussion. Or, at the very least, provoke a lynch mob of the readers who’ve watched the entire chain of Howling sequels on my recommendation and are now incredibly pissed off about it.
But I’ll also be editorializing, covering old movie novelizations, video games and just about anything else I can get my hands on. I might talk about a recent genre release even if we’ve got a review for it already should my own thoughts differ significantly. I’ll try and change it up to avoid repetition, although I expect the primary focus to be on movies; a secondary motivation for resurrecting this column is to plow through the massive pile of unwatched discs currently stacked to my ceiling.
So that’s it. Every Saturday you can look forward to a new nightmare, and I hope you’ll join me for some discussion, no matter the subject. In the meantime, feel free to look back at my previous collection of Saturday Nightmares.
I also whipped up a quick Photoshop graphic for your amusement. Go ahead and laugh; I have no illusions about my Adobe skills – which is precisely why I write for a living.

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