Drew Goddard Talks World War Z

A couple of weeks ago we told you about Drew Goddard stepping in to help with the ending of Paramount’s much troubled adaptation of World War Z. Now Collider has caught up with the man himself, who brought with him some clarity to the situation.
“I think a lot of that got blown out of proportion,” says Goddard. “It really was like, they asked me to come look at the movie and give ideas on how to help, and that’s what happened. That happens all the time; I don’t know why this got blown up with World War Z, and it suddenly became a big thing. It’s the sort of thing that happens with screenwriters all the time where you give your ideas on what could help, you write some scenes for people… I feel bad for the sort of magnifying glass that that movie’s under because this is just a normal part of the process; this is just what happens… My involvement was just watch the movie, give some ideas, write some scenes that might help, ADR, just sort of fill in stuff, which is what I did.”
Interesting. Stay tuned.

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