Paranormal Activity 4 – 666 Teaser Trilogy Examined; Big Surprise on Dread Central Tonight at Midnight (PT)!

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Paranormal Activity fans, we have an interesting dissection of the 666 teaser trilogy for you! Blinked and missed something? NO WORRIES! You’re covered! Not to mention tonight at 12:00 midnight PT we’ll have an official Paranormal Activity 4 surprise waiting for you!

The three trailer teasers, each one running 13 seconds, were comprised mostly of footage from the first three films. Katie and Micah in bed. Katie killing her sister. The symbol behind the painting. Yep, we saw it all. However, there were some really quick bits of new and interesting imagery inserted briefly so we slowed things down, grabbed some screen caps, and BOOM! Six new images from Paranormal Activity 4. Check them out below, featuring a female character whom we have never seen before, and then read on for more on our surprise!

Paranormal Activity 4 - 666 Teaser Trilogy Examined; Big Surprise on Dread Central Tonight at Midnight!

Paranormal Activity 4 - 666 Teaser Trilogy Examined; Big Surprise on Dread Central Tonight at Midnight!

Paranormal Activity 4 - 666 Teaser Trilogy Examined; Big Surprise on Dread Central Tonight at Midnight!

Paranormal Activity 4 - 666 Teaser Trilogy Examined; Big Surprise on Dread Central Tonight at Midnight!

Paranormal Activity 4 - 666 Teaser Trilogy Examined; Big Surprise on Dread Central Tonight at Midnight!

Paranormal Activity 4 - 666 Teaser Trilogy Examined; Big Surprise on Dread Central Tonight at Midnight!

Pretty nifty, eh? Now then. Tonight at 12:00 midnight PT (that’s 3:00 am for you East Coasters) we will be unveiling something HUGE. We’re not saying what it is just yet, BUT we can tell you that it’ll be worth staying up for!

Paranormal Activity 4 will open nationwide on October 19th, and per usual, most details for the film are being kept under wraps. Paranormal Activity 3 directors Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman have returned to helm for Paramount Pictures.

Follow Paranormal Activity on Twitter (@TweetYourScream) for more upcoming announcements, and as always keep an eye on the official Paranormal Activity website!

Second Trailer Teaser for Paranormal Activity 4

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