Who Goes There Podcast: Ep285 – BASKET CASE
What’s up, dorks?! More importantly, what’s in the basket?! Would you believe me if I told you that it was the mangled body of my conjoined twin? Nah, I’m kidding; it’s actually about 8 bottles of Boone’s Farm.
This week we continue to guide Rhett on his journey into the annals of horror history with a throwback episode! We’re heading back to 1982 to look under the lid of Basket Case. (Review at 55:00) That’s right folks, this movie came out the same year as The Thing. Just let that marinate.
This may be your favorite movie, you may love or even hate what we have to say. Hell, we may only discuss the movie for two minute and spin into another rant about adrenochrome. The point is, we put out this episode and you should listen to it.
Hey Rhett, I like that this is a secret little message area just for us. Good friends.

Because I cut off his legs… and his arms… and his head… and I’m going to do the same to you if you don’t put on the Who Goes There Podcast episode 285!
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