Bring Back Paranormal Activity 4 to its Hometown of San Diego

San Diego has a lot more to root for than the Padres and the Chargers. It’s also got its own horror movie mega-franchise in Paranormal Activity. Since it’s Dread Central’s hometown, too, we’re taking steps to make sure we get a Want It screening!
Paramount is making the chance to see Paranormal Activity 4 first in your city easier than ever. We just missed scoring a screening of last year’s Paranormal Activity 3 by a few votes, and that cannot stand again for this year. Show your hometown pride by bringing a littler terror to town in October!
Here are the details regarding Paramount’s Want It campaign…
Fans of “PARANORMAL ACTIVITY” are being empowered to bring the movie to their city first. Paramount Pictures, a division of Viacom, Inc., will debut the fourth installment in the popular horror franchise exclusively in 25 cities around the world by encouraging fans to vote to see it first with a new “Want It” application on Facebook.
Facebook’s 955 million global fans can vote for an advance screening in their city by clicking on the “Want It” button on the film’s fan page.
“Want It” is a dynamic application utilizing Facebook’s open graph technology that gives fans the opportunity to vote to bring the franchise to their city and leverage their social networks to ensure they are one of the top 25 winning locations. The application recognizes a fan’s geo-location according to their Facebook profile and automatically registers a vote to bring the film to their city first. Votes will be shared on a fan’s page and automatically posted to the Facebook newsfeed to rally their peers to bring the film to their city first, too.
The application feeds individual votes into a dynamic leader board that shows the ranking of every city in real time. Audiences can track the top cities as well as the ranking of their own city and push out reminders encouraging friends to vote. “Want It” brings an unprecedented level of interactivity for fans in determining screenings of the movie.

Paranormal Activity 4 will open nationwide on October 19th, and per usual, most details for the film are being kept under wraps. Paranormal Activity 3 directors Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman have returned to helm for Paramount Pictures based on a script by Zack Estrin (a writer/executive producer on ABC’s “The River”).
Sound to complicated? Too lazy to click a few buttons? Well then send a text! You know you always have your phone near you! And here’s some extra incentive to do so…
Those who text “WantIt” to 21534 will receive an exclusive cut of the trailer, including additional footage, and will be the first to get other newly released content from the film. What the hell are you waiting for?
Follow Paranormal Activity on Twitter (@TweetYourScream) for more upcoming announcements, and as always keep an eye on the official Paranormal Activity Facebook page!
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