Who Goes There Podcast: Ep287 – POSSESSOR

Howdy-do there, little dorks! Boy, oh boy! Do we have a special treat for you? No. No, we don’t have a special treat for you. What do you think this is?!
I’ll tell you what. I don’t want you to have come all this way and leave empty handed. So here’s what I’m going to do. For absolutely no charge, I’m going to give you our thoughts on 2020’s Possessor. (Review at 39:55) How’s that move ya, huh? It’s written and directed by Brandon Cronenberg; his dad did The Fly, ya know.
Not enough, huh? Well, the guys also read some kind words from iTunes, discuss some cool destructible board games, and a little spooky game called Love, Sam. Take it or leave it, pal!
Ha! Ha! What a good story, Rhett.

I think he’s come to hurt everybody. I think he wants to do nasty things. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 287!
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