Dread Central Talks with [REC] 3’s Bride Leticia Dolera

Last week Magnet released [REC] 3: Genesis (review) on VOD platforms nationwide, and in honor of the sequel’s on-demand bow and upcoming theatrical release on September 7th, we chatted with star Leticia Dolera to hear more about becoming a chainsaw-wielding bride!
Dolera’s character is a woman who will stop at nothing to save her beloved or her big day from being destroyed by a zombie-like outbreak that turns her wedding guests into bloodthirsty creatures before the night is through. During our interview the actress discussed how she became involved with the project, collaborating with co-star Diego Martin and her future plans, which include her stepping behind the camera for an upcoming sci-fi project.
Check out the highlights from our chat with Dolera below, and make sure to check out [REC] 3 now while it’s available on VOD or on the big screen when it invades theaters this September.
Dread Central: We’d love to hear more about how you got involved with the project and what your first impressions of this script were when Paco approached you. Considering how different part three feels from the other movies, I would imagine the script was a somewhat surprising read.
Leticia Dolera: I got involved basically because Paco called me and asked me; I had already worked with him for a fake teaser called Damned Friday and a music video so I was really happy to get the chance to work with him on something bigger. Paco had me in mind when he worked on the script so I don’t think I ever could have turned it down (laughs). Besides, I always play the nice girl and not a warrior woman so I thought it would be a great challenge to take on.
What I loved about [REC] 3 when I first read it was the comedy of the situation- a wedding overrun by zombies, can you imagine? That’s horrible! And it wasn’t at all the story I was expecting when I read it, but I liked that; people should still be surprised at the movies because that’s fun. Paco breaks his own rules on this movie and that’s great; more filmmakers should do that.
Dread Central: Because Clara is forced to become this ‘warrior woman,’ how challenging were the physical aspects of the role?
Leticia Dolera: I knew it was going to be tough when I first agreed to do the movie so I went to the gym a lot to prepare myself and hired a personal trainer. I really enjoyed the feeling of getting strong because I’ve never worked out like that before, and I think that was part of what helped me find Clara’s strength. Chainsaws aren’t light, you know (laughs). There was a stunt double, but most of the time I just wanted to do it; I knew no one else could really do this fight.
At the start of the movie, I love that Clara has this perfect life- she has a great family, a great fiancé and a dream wedding that she’s looking forward to so you think you have a sense of who she is, but once everything happens, we learn just how strong she is as a woman. She had to find her strength, and in many ways I had to find mine, too.
Dread Central: You have such great chemistry with your co-star Diego (Martin); did you guys prepare a lot together before shooting [REC] 3, or did that just come naturally?
Leticia Dolera: Oh yes, I worked with Diego before; he was in my second short film that I directed. We didn’t really rehearse; everything just sort of happened. The wedding stuff was all Paco, but I think the rest of our chemistry was us; he makes it so easy to work with him and has a great energy that just made everything about our (onscreen) relationship feel natural.
Dread Central: What’s coming up next for you then?
Leticia Dolera: I just finished working on a post-apocalyptic movie called The Last Day in Barcelona which is very different than [REC] so it was great to try something new. I’m also getting ready to direct my third short film, which will be a science fiction story. I’m really excited to get behind the camera again.
Leticia Dolera (Spanish Movie, Semen, A Love Story, “White Glove”) and Diego Martin (Three Meters Above the Sky, “There Is No One Alive”) both star in Paco Plaza’s [REC] 3: Genesis. For more check out the official [REC] 3: Genesis Facebook page.
![Dread Central Talks with [REC] 3's Bride Leticia Dolera](https://www.dreadcentral.com/wp-content/uploads/rec3os.jpg)
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