Tom Jane Wants To Direct Jon Bernthal as THE PUNISHER

It looks like Tom Jane (The Mist) would be game to return as Frank Castle aka The Punisher. Not only that, but he’d also like to direct Jon Bernthal in the role as well.
Jane tells “If the fans really wanted me back, and we could find a script. I think the Punisher, and the reason why I did the short, was that it hasn’t fully been cracked in a way that fully honors the character, Frank Castle, in a film. And I love what Bernthal did on Netflix. I think he’s such a great Punisher. In fact, I would love to direct a Punisher starring Bernthal, because he’s such a great actor.”
Bring. THAT. Sh*t. On.
He continues: “Now if the fans wanted me to come back and play Frank, and the script was something, and when we found a director and a script where we really felt that we could put a stamp on this character, there is so much to that Frank Castle and the Punisher, and his world.
He adds: “We couldn’t make a dark film when we did Punisher in 2004. We couldn’t go as dark because people just hadn’t trusted, on the production side, that fans would be into that. But, now we’ve got shows like The Boys and, of course, The Dark Knight came out after The Punisher, where I think that producers and studios are now aware that there’s a real audience for the darkness, the Taxi Driver-esque quality that you could pull out of a Frank Castle, and that hasn’t been done. And I would love to do that. But again, we have to take it to a place where, frankly, The Punisher has always wanted to go.”
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For those who may have forgotten, on top of being the best thing about the first two seasons of The Walking Dead, Bernthal also starred in Netflix’s Punisher.
After exacting revenge on the people responsible for the deaths of his wife and children, Frank Castle uncovers a conspiracy deeper than New York’s underworld. Now known as the Punisher, he must dig deep into the conspiracy to discover the truth about injustices that affect more than just him and his family. Assisting the vigilante in his quest to fight criminals are best friend Billy Russo, who runs private military corporation Anvil, and former NSA analyst Micro, who shares common enemies with Castle and helps him as part of a so-called marriage of convenience.
Jane reprised the role in a killer short film called Dirty Laundry back in 2012.

Would you like to see Tom Jane direct Jon Bernthal as The Punisher?
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