THE WALKING DEAD Rick Grimes Movie May Shoot This Spring

Andrew Lincoln will return as Rick Grimes in a big-screen The Walking Dead Rick Grimes movie. And recently, while speaking to The Associated Press (via ABC News) over Zoom, Lincoln said he hopes the film will start shooting in the spring.
He says: “It does feel like there is a certain sense of positivity and the cavalry’s coming with the vaccines. And there’s a real sort of sense of renewal, hopefully.”
Five months ago, former The Walking Dead showrunner Scott Gimple says the Rick Grimes movie will channel James Mangold’s Logan with Hugh Jackman.
RELATED: THE WALKING DEAD: Andrew Lincoln Spotted Sporting Rick Grimes Beard Again?
Gimple told Comic-Con: “You didn’t have to watch every X-Men movie to enjoy that. Rick has a history and the history will be present within him and it’ll be a big part of who he is, but it’s likely going to be a very different Rick that we see as well. New audiences will be like, ‘Oh, that’s the guy. I want to discover that past history.’ We who know it so well, it’s like, ‘Oh crap, that’s the thing that’s weighing on him from the past.’ You gotta invite both those people, which we try to do with the shows.”
He adds: “[The movie will] honor people who have invested the time in their lives and the show, but we can’t do that at the expense of inviting everybody. [Avengers: Endgame] was the culmination of years and years, but I’m sure people who just showed up had a good time.“
Robert Kirkman also assured The Walking Dead fans this year the film is still happening. He says: “If anything, the pandemic is going to make a lot of movies better. I think the Rick Grimes movie chief among them, just because we’re getting a lot more time to cook this thing and make sure it’s perfect. I don’t want anyone to think that we’re just kind of waiting around for this pandemic to end.”

Are you up for the Rick Grimes movie?
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