RIP Stacy Title: THE BYE BYE MAN Director Has Passed Away at 56

This morning brings that sad news that Stacy Title, director of the horror films Let the Devil Wear Black, Snoop Dogg’s Hood of Horror, and The Bye Bye Man has passed away at the age of 56 following a years-long battle with ALS. Deadline reports:

In August 2017, Title was rear-ended in a car accident. After she started noticing small changes in her walking and speaking patterns, Title underwent a series of medical tests. In December2017, she was diagnosed with ALS, with the doctors suggesting that the accident might have triggered the neurodegenerative and fatal disease in her system. ALS ravaged Title’s body at a frightening speed. By March, she couldn’t walk. By September 2018, she couldn’t talk or swallow; she was on a feeding tube and a ventilator.
Though it was never a critical darling, my colleagues at Dread Central know that I’m a big fan of The Bye Bye Man, which I thought was unfairly maligned. Perhaps doomed by the title or miss-marketed, The Bye Bye man is a poignant exploration of jealousy and paranoia.
People commit unthinkable acts every day. Time and again, we grapple to understand what drives a person to do such terrible things. But what if all of the questions we’re asking are wrong? What if the cause of all evil is not a matter of what, but who? When three college friends stumble upon the horrific origins of the Bye Bye Man, they discover that there is only one way to avoid his curse: don’t think it, don’t say it. But once the Bye Bye Man gets inside your head, he takes control.
All of us here at Dread Central send our sincerest condolences to Stacy’s fans, friends, and family. She will be missed.
