Horror History: Happy Birthday John Carpenter!

We couldn’t let the day end without wishing THE Master of Horror, John Carpenter, a very happy birthday!
John Carpenter has delivered many of the most prominent and influential horror movies of the 20th Century including (but not limited to) Halloween, The Fog, The Thing, Christine, Prince of Darkness, and They Live.
For some more through retrospectives of Carpenter’s work, check out the videos below!
He was originally set to direct Firestarter, but after The Thing didn’t deliver the financial success Universal hoped it would, they kicked him off the project.
He wrote a spec script called Eyes that would eventually become The Eyes of Lara Mars, starring Faye Dunaway.
All of us here at Dread Central wish John Carpenter a very happy birthday!
What’s your favorite John Carpenter movie? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.