LEPRECHAUN RETURNS Director Up for Another New Sequel

The Void director Steven Kostanski’s Leprechaun Returns was fun. And today we hear that Kostanski is more than happy to return to the franchise for a follow-up.
Kostanski tells ComicBook.com: “Well, I mean, the producer who hired me for Leprechaun was the one that hired me for the Day of the Dead [TV series], so I’ve continued that relationship. But as far as follow-up Leprechaun sequels, I haven’t heard anything, but I would honestly be all overdoing it. If it happens, I’d love to do it. I had a lot of fun making that movie, and it was a great experience. It gave me more of an appreciation for the Leprechaun movies. I feel we made something that fits into that mythology nicely, and I think there’s a lot of room to continue it. I haven’t heard anything, but if I was asked to do a follow-up, I’d be into it.”
RELATED: Interview: Linden Porco Talks LEPRECHAUN RETURNS and Replacing Warwick Davis
Rated R for horror violence/gore and some sexual references, Leprechaun Returns premiered on Syfy on December 11, 2018. It also hit DVD and Blu-ray.
Here’s a synopsis via IMDb: Twenty-five years ago, a young woman and her friends stopped an evil Leprechaun by shoving a four-leaf clover in its mouth and also watching its melting body fall into a well in North Dakota. What happened to his pot of gold is anyone’s guess. Today, the property is run by the AU Sorority House of a premiere Eco-science college. A group of students also decide to spend their summer vacation turning the house into a perfect “green” living abode. And it would be challenging enough, without the depraved Leprechaun they unwittingly revive. Now he’s back and determined to get his gold by teaching these ladies a lesson in murder. Except, they aren’t having it. The women band together to find his gold and add, taking down the Leprechaun to their course load.

Are you up for another Leprechaun movie?
Make sure to let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also hit me up over on Twitter @MikeSpregg325.