Pat Kilbane’s The Brain Eater’s Bible Prays for a Spot on Your Bookshelf

Looking for something to scratch your zombie itch now that “The Walking Dead” is on a break? Check out The Brain Eater’s Bible: Sound Advice for the Newly Reanimated Zombie by Pat Kilbane (of “Mad TV”) and his zombie alter ego J.D. McGhoul.
The Brian Eater’s Bible a field manual and manifesto—in the vein of Max Brooks’ bestselling The Zombie Survival Guide—for the reanimated dead. Gruesome and hilarious, with helpful tips for those who have succumbed to the PACE virus, this fully illustrated book is a must-read for zombies and zombie fans everywhere.
Look for it on October 2nd from St. Martin’s Griffin.
“What is wrong with me?!” That’s what you’re thinking, isn’t it? You woke up in a drainage ditch covered with skin ulcerations and nasty flesh wounds. Your body is numb and your memory is foggy. Someone tried to give you medical attention, but you repaid their kindness by savagely killing them and eating their brains. You are a zombie, my friend, just like me. Though most zombies are slow and stupid, the fact that you are reading this tells me that you are different. Some of us are. Welcome to the PACE virus apocalypse.

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