Maika Monroe Wants to Return for More IT FOLLOWS Movies

Maika Monroe (The Guest) is one of our top modern scream queens. And today we hear she’s up for a sequel to writer-director David Robert Mitchell’s It Follows.
She tells CBR: “One of my favorite directors I’ve worked with is David [Robert Mitchell]. I would do anything to be able to work with him again. Whether it’s an It Follows sequel or something else. I think he’s so insanely talented. I’m looking forward to his upcoming projects that he has.”
Monroe adds: “I remember on set, and I don’t usually watch playback, but there were a couple of times where we were doing really long shots, and it was helpful to watch and understand the movement of the camera, and I remember where I was just like, ‘Whoa! These shots are stunning.’ I’d never really seen horror shot this way, so there were moments where I said, ‘Oh man, maybe this will turn out to be something really cool,’ but you never really know…It’s pretty wild, and it’s just incredible how this has impacted so many people and how some of them still to this day love the film so much.”
RELATED: Someone Figured Out How Many Miles the IT FOLLOWS Creature Walked
It Follows begins after teenager Jay sleeps with her new boyfriend for the first time. Afterward, she learns she’s the recipient of a fatal curse that’s passed from via sexual intercourse. She learns death will creep inexorably toward her as either a friend or a stranger. Jay’s friends don’t believe her seemingly paranoid ravings until they too begin to see the phantoms and band together to help her defend herself.
The MPAA slapped the flick with an R-rating for disturbing violent and sexual content including graphic nudity. It has a 96% on Rotten Tomatoes with a Critics Consensus that reads: Smart, original, and above all terrifying, It Follows is the rare modern horror film that works on multiple levels — and leaves a lingering sting.

Would you be up for IT Follows: Part 2?
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