Horror History: COLOR OUT OF SPACE (Dread Central Readers’ Pick for Best Horror Movie of 2020) Hit Theaters 1 Year Ago

Color Out of Space, the film our readers picked as the best horror movie of 2020 hit theaters in the US exactly one year ago today.
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Directed by Richard Stanley and based on the short fiction of H.P. Lovecraft, Color Out of Space stars Nicolas Cage, Joely Richardson, Madeleine Arthur, and Tommy Chong. If you missed the film last year, check out the trailer and synopsis below.
After a meteorite lands in the front yard of their farm, Nathan Gardner and his family find themselves battling a mutant extraterrestrial organism that infects their minds and bodies, transforming their quiet rural life into a technicolor nightmare.
Related Article: Exclusive Interview: Richard Stanley Discusses “Cage Rage” in COLOR OUT OF SPACE
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The weather report playing on the television while Lavinia is washing dishes mentions Arkham, along with Innsmouth, Dunwich, and Kingsport. All these settings are part of different H.P. Lovecraft stories. In addition, Lavinia questions Benny about a former girlfriend from Aylesbury. It’s another location that too belongs to H.P. Lovecraft’s universe. (Source)
The color used in this film to represent “The Color” is magenta, which doesn’t exist as single wavelength of light as part of the spectrum of visible light (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet; also known as “Roygbiv” to join the seven initials). Rather, it is an extraspectral color, that is only perceived by humans in a specific interaction of the optical rods in the eyes that detect red and blue in specific circumstances to create the magenta in the mind. Since red and blue are associated to evil and good, it means that The Color is apart from evil and good to come from another universe where these concepts cannot be applied. The color code for magenta is: RGB (Red-Green-Blue) 300, 100, 100; HSB (Hue-Saturation-Brightness) 255, 0, 255. (Source)

Are you a fan of Color Out of Space? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.