Who Goes There Podcast: Ep293 – SPLIT SECOND
Hidey-ho, ya little dorks! By and large, the movies we review are chosen by Matt and Rhett, with occasional input from Patreon. When we ask Jorge for his input, his response is roughly the same at all times, “I really don’t care. Just tell me what to watch.” Being the thoughtful individuals we are, every so often we decide to pick a movie that we think might just stir a bit of excitement in the morose motherfucker.
This week we review a film that watched every single action and sci-fi movie from the 80’s and thought, “what happens if you put them all in a blender and let Rutger Hauer shit into the blender?” The answer, is Split Second. Yeah, you know where we’re going: awkward sex, aliens, cheesy one-liners, and machismo oozing out the fundillo.

With great talent comes a great desire for self-fuckability. Such is the Who Goes There Podcast episode 293!
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