John Carpenter: HALLOWEEN KILLS Is “Brilliant” & The “Ultimate Slasher”

Blumhouse and David Gordon Green’s Halloween Kills is coming this year. And today, John Carpenter calls it “brilliant” and “the ultimate slasher”.
Carpenter tells Entertainment Weekly: “It’s brilliant. It’s the ultimate slasher. I mean, there’s nothing more than this one. Wow! Man.”
Sounds good to me!
The MPAA slapped it with an R-rating via the MPAA for strong bloody violence throughout, grisly images, language, and some drug use. Sounds good to us!
Halloween Kills stars Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode, Judy Greer as Karen Nelson, Andi Matichak as Allyson Nelson, Anthony Michael Hall as Tommy Doyle, Kyle Richards as Lindsey Wallace, Dylan Arnold as Cameron Elam, Robert Longstreet as Lonnie Elam, Charles Cyphers as Leigh Brackett, Nancy Stephens as Marion Chambers, and James Jude Courtney / Nick Castle as Michael Myers.
RELATED: HALLOWEEN KILLS Is Rated R for Strong Bloody Violence Throughout and More
Curtis says: “The movie is about a mob. And so it’s very interesting because it takes on what happens when trauma infects an entire community. And we’re seeing it everywhere with the Black Lives Matter movement. We’re seeing it in action and Halloween Kills weirdly enough, dovetailed onto that, proceeded it, it was written before that occurred …it’s a seething group of people moving through the story as a big angry group, it’s really, really, really intense. It’s a masterpiece.”
Meanwhile, Halloween director John Carpenter claims: “It is the quintessential slasher film. It is so intense and it even stuns me how incredible it is.”
Gordon Green directs Halloween Kills and Blum produces. Green wrote the script with Danny McBride and Scott Teems. Carpenter provides the score. It hits on October 15, 2021, with Halloween Ends following on October 14, 2022.

Are you still up for Blumhouse’s Halloween Kills?
Make sure to let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also hit me up over on Twitter @MikeSpregg325.