No Crocs for You!

As I walked up to the Dark Sky booth at the Festival of Fear, I had only one thought in mind: “Please let them have a copy of Eaten Alive…” I had a serious hankering for some backwoods man-eating crocodile action, but alas, it was not to be.
Eaten Alive was scheduled to be released sometime this month, but Dark Sky Films has decided to postpone the release after they managed to dig up a pristine new print.
Even though they had already pressed the initial run of 5,000 DVDs (which are sure to become collector’s items), Dark Sky opted to put a hold on releasing the DVD until they could incororate a transfer of the newly unearthed print.
Even better is the fact that the love Dark Sky is lavishing upon the film has prompted Tobe Hooper to contribute a fresh commentary for the updated DVD.
No release dates have been announced, but the Dark Sky folks assure us that they’re hauling ass to get the improved disk out the door as soon as possible.
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