Why That New ROBOCOP Remake Failed

Joel Kinnaman starred in the 2014 remake of Paul Verhoven’s RoboCop. The film was not a success if you didn’t know. And today, Kinnaman seems to know why.
He tells The Playlist: “I had to quell all my instincts for everything over the course of that film. I’m like, ‘Why am I wearing a black suit? That doesn’t make any sense at all.’ What I feel like the whole movie didn’t take into account is what the fans loved about [the original]. And you have to pay homage to that. And I think the producers and the filmmakers and me included didn’t really understand how to do that in the right way. I think it’s a really solid movie, it just didn’t fit the RoboCop concept.”
He adds: “The first interview I did for RoboCop… was right after I was cast. I got the first questions for RoboCop, and the question was, ‘So, is it going to be R-rated?’ And I was like, ‘Of course, it’s going to be R-rated! Only an idiot would make RoboCop a PG-13 movie.’ Cut to the next morning – 47 missed calls I woke up to.”
RELATED: Neill Blomkamp No Longer Directing ROBOCOP RETURNS
In 2028, thugs critically injure Detroit cop Alex Murphy (Joel Kinnaman) in the line of duty. By transforming Murphy into a cyborg, OmniCorp executives hope to rake in billions for their shareholders, but they forget one thing: There’s still a man inside the machine. Gary Oldman co-stars along with Michael Keaton, Samuel L. Jackson, Jackie Earle Haley, and Michael K. Williams
The film sports a 48% approval rating over on Rotten Tomatoes. The Critics Consensus reads: While it’s far better than it could have been, JosĂ© Padilha’s RoboCop remake fails to offer a significant improvement over the original.

What did you think of the remake?
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