2nd Installment of Our Video Series Celebrating WOMEN IN HORROR MONTH Highlights SFX Artist Kyasia Fields!
For the second installment of our Women in Horror Month Series, we have Jazzmin and Kathleen, who host the horror podcast Girl That’s Scary, which is by far the best podcast name we’ve heard in a while. They describe the podcast as, “Two homegirls discussing poltergeists, their plans for the (pending) zombie apocalypse, and everything in between!”
Related Article: Dread Central Kicks Off Video Series Celebrating WOMEN IN HORROR MONTH with Axelle Carolyn
You can learn more about the girls below and be sure sure to check out Girl That’s Scary, and maybe show a little love to their Patreon. Do it!

The ladies are here to talk about SFX Artist, Makeup artist, Horror academic, Podcaster, and lover of all things Horror Kyasia Fields. She’s really doing it all!

“Kyasia’s admiration of the genre started at a young age but didn’t blossom until my teen years. After graduating from Prairie View, A&M University around the time that Jordan Peele’s Get Out was in its prime, she knew she wanted to continue her life’s work to create a safe space for Black people to feel included in a genre that fails to acknowledge the importance of their existence.” I could not have said it better myself and she’s not wrong! Learn more about her below.