Who Goes There Podcast: Ep296 – THE RECKONING
Greetings, you grubby little turds. Think back, if you will, to the year 2002. A young filmmaker by the name of Neil Marshall is releasing a movie that he wrote and directed called Dog Soldiers. Many would go on to call Dog Soldiers one of the best werewolf films of all time.
We’re jumping ahead now to 2005. Riding high on the success of his beast of a werewolf film, young Neil is about to release a new movie he’s been directing: The Descent. Many would go on to call The Descent one of the best horror films of all time.
Neil Marshall can do no wrong! By now he’s made two of the best horror films of the early 2000’s, and sat in the chair, directing some of the best, most impactful episodes of Game of Thrones. Then he did Hellboy. Now, it just seems somewhat ironic that his new film is titled The Reckoning. (Review at 27:45)
So here we all gather, for the reckoning of Neil Marshall. It didn’t have to be this way, Neil.

I am not breaking radio silence just cos’ you lot got spooked by a dead flying fucking cow. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 296!
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