Exclusive Video Interview: Stars Kaitlyn Bernard & Brenna Llewellyn Talk Religious Thriller THE SINNERS
Starring Kaitlyn Bernard and Brenna Llewellyn as two of the seven sins represented in female form, The Sinners is definitely a mashup of movies you love. Hints of Seven (Se7en if you’re nasty), Heathers and sprinkles of You’re Next and Jawbreaker are front and center. But that’s really just touching the surface of Courtney Paige’s debut feature that really feels more like a fun mystery episode of Riverdale featuring a cast of women who probably worship at the feet of Rachel True, Fairuza Balk, Robin Tunney and Neve Campbell from The Craft.
Yes, there are seven diverse actors portraying Catholic school versions of the seven sins in The Sinners, but we were only lucky enough to talk to two…namely Aubrey (Llewellyn) as Pride and Grace (Bernard) as Lust. Speaking to both women recently, they seem nothing like their mischievous roles (Acting!). We talk about Brenna Llewellyn’s real life religious upbringing, behind-the-scenes dance parties and what it was like for Kaitlyn when Brenna put a live rifle in her mouth in one of the film’s most intense scenes.
Watch the trailer and check out the interview below!
Synopsis: Seven schoolgirls, part of a clique dubbed The Sins, become the lethal target of an unknown killer after a harmless prank goes horribly wrong.
Onto the interview!
The Sinners is On Demand February 19th from Brainstorm Media.
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