Werewolves Attack UK DVD and Blu-ray This October!

They’re big, they’re hairy, and they’re ready to take a bite out of you. No, we’re not talking about a cannibalistic bear bar – we’re talking about Attack of the Werewolves, due to howl it up old-school on DVD and Blu-ray in the UK on October 8th. Take a peek at the trailer and artwork inside!
Kaleidoscope Home Entertainment is releasing the Spanish horror comedy (also known as Game of Werewolves or Lobos de Arga), which is having its English premiere at Grimmfest 2012. Writer/director Juan Martínez Moreno’s Attack of the Werewolves stars Carlos Areces, Secun de la Rosa, and Mabel Rivera.
1910. In a remote village, a terrible curse has fallen on the evil Marchioness of Marino and her son – transforming him into a bloodthirsty werewolf who preys on the residents of the village.
One hundred years on, Thomas, the only male descendent of the Marino family, returns home to a warm welcome from the villagers; but things aren’t quite what they seem. After a century of being terrorized by the vicious werewolf, they plan to break the curse by sacrificing him 100 years to the day when the original curse fell. Thomas must defeat the villagers and pit his wits against a violent beast in order to save himself and overcome a curse that threatens to last for a further 100 years.

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