MUTANT FEST Now Accepting Film Submissions for Joe Bob Briggs’ 3-Day Drive-In Jamboree

Mutant Fest will be the first day of Joe Bob’s Drive-In Jamboree, happening July 16th through 18th, to be held at the Mahoning Drive-In. Mutant Fest is a celebration of low-budget exploitation films made outside the financial support systems of Los Angeles and New York. Joe Bob Briggs is making an open call for films, both features and shorts, and promises no entry fee.
Related Article: Attention Mutants: JOE BOB’S DRIVE-IN JAMBOREE Will Be a Live 3-Day Event
“The purpose of the festival,” said Briggs, “is to bring attention to films that have no marketing budget. Some of these guys mortgage their homes to make the film, then discover they can’t get into the major festivals without spending several thousand dollars on the various fees charged—fees required simply for ‘consideration,’ guaranteeing nothing. We have a team set up to screen films continuously right up until the film submission cut-off date of May 1. We also have an educational component, with industry professionals conducting practical seminars on filmmaking with impossibly low budgets. These are basically ‘how to get stuff free’ classes.”
Virgil Cardamone, partner and chief programmer for the Mahoning Drive-In, added, “We are thrilled to be able to showcase incredible indie talents and support young filmmakers with Mutant Fest each season! What could be cooler than seeing your work presented by Joe Bob Briggs and splashed on the legendary Mahoning screen!?”
Two winning feature films and ten winning shorts will all be screened at the Mahoning on the night of July 16th, with Briggs hosting and presenting the awards. Runner-up films will be screened throughout the day at a location to be announced later.
Filmmakers can learn more and submit their films via Film Freeway at Submissions will remain open until May 1st.
Joe Bob’s Drive-In Jamboree will run July 16th through 18th, 2021, at the Mahoning Drive-In in Lehighton, PA. In addition to Mutant Fest on July 16th, the other days will include a live double-feature version of Briggs’ popular televised format, a family-friendly event with live zombies and monsters, and days filled with bands, contests, vendors, sideshow attractions, and much more. Further information about the Mahoning Drive-In can be found at

Are you a fan of Joe Bob Briggs and/or The Last Drive-In? Are you hoping to attend Mutant Fest and Joe Bob’s Drive-In Jamboree this Summer? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.