Who Goes There Podcast: Ep298 WRONG TURN 2003 & 2021
What’s good, ya slack-jawed mouth-breathers? Through our extensive research using test groups, and studying market trends we have determined you enjoy when we compare horror classics with their modern remakes. So yeah, we’re doing that. You’re welcome.
In 2003 we got Wrong Turn, a movie about idiot teenagers who get lost in the woods and then die at the hands of inbred cannibals. The movie would go on to spawn 1,621 straight to video sequels that no one cared about. This brings us to 2021, with a group of idiot teenagers, fresh off the cover of the brochure for Diversity University, being killed off one by one. (Review at 41:31)
My, oh my, how the times have changed. But, like have they, dude?

It was kinda fun in a necrophile sort of way. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 298!
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