Horror History: GODZILLA VS MECHAGODZILLA Was Released in the US on This Day in 1974

Legendary’s Godzilla will meet Mechagodzilla for the first time when Godzilla vs Kong arrives in US theaters and on HBO Max on March 31st. In the world of Toho, however, the two kaiju first battled on this day in 1974 when Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla was released in the United States.
Related Article: According to GODZILLA VS KONG Director Adam Wingard: Mechagodzilla is No Longer a Spoiler
Ape-like aliens build a robotic Godzilla to destroy Japan, and the true Godzilla may not be powerful enough to destroy it.
Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla was written and directed by Jun Fukuda; the film stars Masaaki Daimon, Kazuya Aoyama, and Reiko Tajima.
This was the first Godzilla film, in its original Japanese version, to finally give onscreen credit to the suitmation actors with the names of the respective monsters they played. (Up to that point, suitmation actors did receive onscreen credit, but just as regular cast members). All Toho-produced Godzilla films have since maintained this practice. (Source)
This was produced as Godzilla’s 20th Anniversary film (which was also stated in the original Japanese theatrical trailers). (Source)

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