The Paranormal Activity Happening on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter Continues

We’ve been following the exploits of Jacob Degloshi and his just turned 14-year-old daughter, Sarah, for a couple of days now here on Dread Central, and the possible connection of this family to Alex’s family in Paranormal Activity 4 is getting a bit more interesting.
As you know, yesterday was Sarah’s birthday party, and Jacob just put up a couple more photos from the event and even a video. Even more interesting is Jacob’s last post on his Facebook page, which read… “Still unpacking. Found a VHS Tape in Sarah’s suitcase. Pretty weird, she doesn’t know where it came from.” Yep, pretty sure we’re on to something here.
To keep up with these events, we suggest you follow along here with our files on Jacob Degloshi.
For those who missed the past two stories and are wondering what this is all about…
While surfing around looking for more Paranormal Activity 4 stuff to bring you, we came across the Facebook page, YouTube account and Twitter profile of one Mr. Jacob Degloshi of Henderson, Nevada. Who is he, you might ask? Really good question. The truth is we’re not sure.
Paranormal Activity 4 (review), directed by Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, is in theaters everywhere October 19th. Don’t forget to check out our exclusive Paranormal Activity Timeline to really relive the ghosts of Halloween past!
Related Stories: Get all the latest Paranormal Activity 4 news here
Follow Paranormal Activity on Twitter (@TweetYourScream) for more upcoming announcements, and as always keep an eye on the official Paranormal Activity Facebook page!
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