AMC Now Wants New WALKING DEAD Spin-Off About Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s NEGAN?

This past Sunday, The Walking Dead finally covered Negan’s backstory. And now, AMC is gauging interest in a Jeffrey Dean Morgan-led Negan spin-off. Specifically, AMC wants to know if people want “additional episodes or series exploring Negan’s backstory prior to meeting Rick’s group.”
Sounds like fun to me!
The survey is only available to AMC viewers registered to submit feedback via AMC Popular Culturists. But you can check out a screenshot HERE.
The Walking Dead showrunner Angela Kang still says, however, that there is no plan for more Negan backstory in the final season. But Morgan says “no doors are closed.”
Morgan recently told Jimmy Kimmel: “There are talks. There have been some talks [about a Negan spin-off]. I think that, between AMC and the good folks involved with Walking Dead, they’ve asked if there’s any interest on my end. But I think they’ve also talked to many of the characters to see who’s interested in carrying on the story, and not just Negan.”
He then added: “This all kind of came about, this being the last season, came about as a bit of a surprise in the middle of the pandemic. And so it was sort of a pivot for everybody and the show, storywise and otherwise, so I think we’ll see. I think there’s certainly more story for Negan, I think he’s becoming more interesting in each episode, in fact. So we’ll see.”

The 11th and “final” season of The Walking Dead hits over on AMC on Sunday, August 22nd. Would you be up for The Walking Dead to just bite the bullet and actually just 100% become The Negan Show?
Make sure to let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also hit me up over on Twitter @MikeSpregg325.