The Walking Dead: Recap and Behind-the-Scenes of Episode 3.04 – Killer Within; Sneak Peek of Episode 3.05 – Say The Word

After having a week off from zombie slaying and taking out the thrash (both the human and non-human kinds), Rick Grimes and the gang at the prison are back in tonight’s gripping episode, entitled “Killer Within.”
SPOILER ALERT: Do not read any further if you haven’t watched the episode yet. This is a recap, not a review. Continue only if you have watched it. In either case, be sure to scroll to the bottom of Page 2 for a new photo and clip from next week’s ep.
“Killer Within” began with a couple of zombies being distracted by a fresh animal kill while a mysterious figure from inside the prison quietly broke a gate chain, left it open and placed a bloody heart on the ground, presumably to attract more hungry walkers. Then we got the opening credits.
When we came back, Glenn and Maggie got busted for using a guard tower as their private love shack. When Daryl yelled, “You coming?” to a flustered, still-trying-to-get-dressed Glenn, it was perhaps the most double-entendre’d phrase ever uttered in the series so far. Oscar and Axel, the two prisoners still left alive, came out to ask Rick to join the group, preferring to hit the road over staying in their cell block any longer. The group conferred with T-Dog acting like Dale and being compassionate, but Rick would not budge.
In Woodbury, the ever-suspicious Michonne got a closer look at the stolen military trucks from last episode before The Governor showed up and made her a proposition to join his army. They played a game of twenty questions about what happened to the soldiers with The Governor having an answer for every question. Nice touch by inferring that if Michonne had helped, the soldiers would have survived
Hershel is awake and is already strolling on crutches!
Cutting back to Woodbury, Andrea and Michonne are poring over maps to plot their journey to the coast. When Andrea wavered on trusting The Governor, Michonne pointed out her gut had kept them alive this long.
While the gang is prepping Axel and Oscar with food and a distraction for their travels, Hershel strolled out into the yard on his crutches and everyone was overjoyed. You know that’s not going last! A group of walkers came into their sights and the killings began again. Hershel is still deadly on his crutches! The group got split up into smaller groups, and we have a casualty.
Back at Woodbury, Andrea gave Merle directions to Hershel’s farm when Merle leeringly asked why they never hooked up. Way to go, smooth operator! Andrea was not interested in going to look for the gang, and Merle suggested they are the same because they were both left behind. Merle is also loyal because The Governor saved him back in the day.
Part 2 of the Recap on the NEXT PAGE
As they are clearing the yard of walkers, Glenn learned that the chain from the opening scenes was cut intentionally and Rick suspected Axel and Oscar. Then the sirens started blasting, attracting more walkers. Shooting out all the speakers was not feasible and they have to shut down the generators.
The rest of the group got separated. A hurt T-Dog tried to lead Carol to safety through the prison corridors before he turned. Maggie, Lori and Carl hid themselves in a mechanical room and Lori started to feel the baby’s arrival.
On a calm Woodbury day, Merle interrupted The Governor’s range practice to ask permission to look for Daryl, but The Governor wouldn’t give it. Merle begrudgingly accepted the decision. Maybe family would trump loyalty after all?
When a couple of walkers blocked their exit, T-Dog ran into them, sacrificing his own flesh to allow Carol to escape.
Returning from commercial break, Andrea shared a goodbye drink with The Governor, who suggested that telling Merle about Daryl and Hershel’s farm was giving him false hopes. Then they bonded over family losses. Let the flirting games begin!
As Rick, Daryl and Oscar tried to shut down the generator, we learned that another prisoner was still alive and he was the saboteur. Rick and the saboteur tangled, and when Oscar picked up Rick’s dropped gun, he aimed it at Rick. Oscar had to choose whom to shoot, and because he chose correctly, we didn’t get to see another kill by the encroaching knife-in-hand Daryl. The generator is now shut down and the sirens stopped.
Back in the mechanical room, Lori was bleeding a lot and she needed a caesarian. Lori pleaded with Maggie to use Carl’s knife for the procedure. Time for another commercial break.
In Woodbury, fresh from her flirtatious drinks with The Governor, Andrea didn’t want to leave and made Michonne stay for a couple more days. Michonne was not happy about it.
Lori told Maggie to use her caesarian scar as a trace for her c-section. After a tearful goodbye to Carl, Maggie began the procedure and Lori passed on. Maggie got the baby out and after a moment of infant CPR, the baby moved and cried. Maggie tried to get Carl to leave with her as Lori would turn but Carl insisted on staying. So Maggie left them alone. While Maggie was at the door assessing the walker situation outside, a gunshot rang out and Carl walked out.
Out in the corridors, Rick finished off the two walkers who were finishing up T-Dog’s remains. Picking up Carol’s scarf, they thought that she met the same fate, too. As they regrouped outside in the yard, Rick was about to return inside to look for the others when they saw Maggie and Carl walking out without Lori but with a baby. The gang stood in silence and Rick broke down completely.
Now, on to next week! Axel and Oscar try to comfort a grieving Glenn in this sneak peek of the November 11th episode, which was directed by Greg Nicotero.
“The Walking Dead” Episode 3.05 – “Say the Word” (airs 11/11/12)
After another loss, Rick struggles. Michonne remains suspicious of the Governor as he throws a party with a unique twist for the people of Woodbury. Written by Angela Kang; directed by Greg Nicotero.

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