Gruesome Eco-Horror UNEARTH Now Arriving in Theaters April 22nd [Trailer]

Cinedigm Corp. announced today that it has acquired US and Canadian rights to Unearth, directed by John C. Lyons and Dorota Swies. I’ve seen this one and can assure you: It’s gruesome!

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Check out the trailer and read more about this shocking eco-horror below.

A fracking horror story. Unearth follows two neighboring farm families whose relationships are strained when one of them chooses to lease their land to an oil and gas company. The land is drilled in the midst of growing tension. Now something long-dormant and terrifying, deep beneath the earth’s surface is coming. Unearth is about the horrifying repercussions sown by shortsighted decisions. And what our children reap from our actions.

Adrienne Barbeau (The Fog) stars with Marc Blucas (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Brooke Sorenson (Modern Family), and P.J. Marshall (American Horror Story). After a successful festival run including Fantasia and Grimmfest, Unearth premieres at Laemmle Theatres North Hollywood on April 20th ahead of its Earth Day, April 22nd theatrical opening, and Digital release this Summer.

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A natural gas company approaches two families on the verge of losing their farms, to lease their land. While one rejects it, the other sees this as the answer to all their problems. As soon as the drill hits the soil, things around their homestead begin to change. Descending deeper, the drill unlocks the faceless evil that has been kept safe below their feet, until now. “Audiences can look forward to exquisite cinematography, fascinating characters, in-depth, satisfying performances, and the most tense final 30-minutes of film that I’ve endured in a long time,” says Barbeau.

Directed by John C. Lyons and Dorota Swies, Unearth does away with fanatical madmen and brings horror home; into the soil, we tread and the air we breathe. Lyons and Kelsey Goldberg penned the script. Swies, Lyons, Marc Blucas, and Allison McAtee produce. Exec Producers include Greg Sorce and Joel Deuterman.

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“It’s not just about fracking but how, in general, we take the goods of nature for granted,” says Swies.

“Greed and ignorance have already destroyed our water supplies with chemicals, biological or radiological waste.” Lyons adds, “American farmers have been squeezed harder by our trade wars, and now the pandemic, with crops left rotting in the field when already, over the past decade, their income was down and suicides up. No one is safe from the wrecking ball that is corporate greed. When we destroy our precious water resources, it will eventually affect us in our food and drink. That’s the point that I hope comes across in the film. You may think this is a fictional story about a couple of remote farm families, but environmental injustice eventually affects us all.”

Check out the killer poster below!

Are you excited to check out the shocking eco-horror Unearth? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.



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