YouTuber Now Re-Imagines THE EXORCIST as Romantic Comedy [Video]

You all loved Logan Cuddemi‘s reimagining of The Shining as a 1990s-era sitcom. So we thought we’d bring you another one. The Exorcist as a Romantic Comedy
Related: YouTuber Now Re-Imagines THE SHINING as a 1990s Era Sitcom [Video]
Though released in 1973, The Exorcist is still widely considered the most terrifying horror movie ever made. But in his video, Cuddemi proves that happy music and creative editing, even a paradigm of terror can look like a romantic comedy! Don’t believe us? Watch the video below for yourself and let us know what you think!
Logan Cuddemi graduated from Massachusetts College of Art and Design in 2019 with a BFA in Film/ Video. Specializing in motion graphics and also video editing, he’s a designer set on producing quality content with thematic fluency.
Related: Morgan Creek Promises the New EXORCIST Sequel is “In Good Hands” with David Gordon Green Directing
William Friedkin directed The Exorcist from a screenplay by William Peter Blatty based on his novel. Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Linda Blair, and Jason Miller star.
One of the most profitable horror movies ever made, this tale of an exorcism is based loosely on actual events. Then young Regan (Linda Blair) starts acting odd. Like levitating and speaking in tongues. So her worried mother (Ellen Burstyn) seeks medical help, only to hit a dead end. A local priest (Jason Miller), however, thinks the girl may be seized by the devil. The priest makes a request to perform an exorcism. The church sends in an expert (Max von Sydow) to help with the difficult job.

Are you a fan of The Excorcist? What do you think of Logan Cuddemi’s creative reimagining that presents the film as a romantic comedy? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.