Horror History: Happy Birthday to the One and Only, TIM CURRY!

On this day in horror history, Tim Curry was born in Grappenhall, Cheshire, England in 1946. Curry is best known around here for his role as Pennywise the Dancing Clown in director Tommy Lee Wallace’s two-part TV adaptation of Stephen King’s IT.
RELATED: Exclusive: Face to Face with Pennywise: Talking Horror with Tim Curry on the Set of Stephen King’s It
Curry kicked off his film career with his role as Dr. Frank N. Furter in Jim Sharman’s midnight movie cult classic, The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Next up were two major roles. Darkness in Ridley Scott’s Legend. And Wadsworth in Jonathan Lynn’s Clue.
From there he took on classic role after classic role. But as a 90s kid, that doesn’t surprise me. After all, I grew up in the era when Curry was the villain in literally every other movie released. Such as Loaded Weapon 1, The Three Musketeers, The Shadow, Congo, Muppet Treasure Island, McHale’s Navy, Charlie’s Angels, The Hunt for Red October, Annie, and Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. To name a few.
He also took over the role of Gomez Addams in Dave Payne’s 1998 direct-to-DVD sequel Addams Family Reunion. And it’s also pretty safe to say he voiced at least one character in one of your favorite childhood cartoons. And let’s not forget his roles in Scary Movie 2 and John Landis’s Burke & Hare.
He also killed it with three roles in the classic episode “Death of Some Salesman” from HBO’s Tales from the Crypt. And speaking of Tales from the Crypt, he also starred in Ritual, one of the three TFTC movies. The worst one, yes, but still.
Fittingly, one of the last roles he played was The Criminologist in the 2016 TV movie The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let’s Do the Time Warp Again. But the last time I can remember seeing Tim Curry on the screen was in John Campopiano & Chris Griffiths’ killer retrospective, Pennywise: The Story of It.

What’s your favorite Tim Curry role?
Make sure to let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also hit me up over on Twitter @MikeSpregg325.