Zombie Family to Become a Feature? Here’s an Update with New Photos!

We checked in today with Zombie Family writer and director Joseph Weisman to get an update on his horror/comedy series, which according to him may receive a possible feature treatment. Read on for the first word and some exclusive new photos!
Filmed this past April in Hollywood, California (see our coverage from the set here), Zombie Family was written and directed by Weisman and stars Mike Apple as ‘Bill’ (the zombie patriarch), actress Laura Napoli as ‘Betty’ (the unit’s undead matriarch) and Chuck Lines and Allison Sharpe as the pair’s teenage, zombie offspring. Actors Kerry O’Quinn, Doug Jones (Hellboy), Reggie Bannister (Phantasm), Tony Todd (Candyman) and Cerina Vincent (Cabin Fever, MoniKa) round out the cast.
An average family of Zombies trying to ‘keep up with the Joneses’ soon discover they may have to eat them, too.

“I was very excited to have had the support of Funny Or Die debuting Zombie Family exclusively through Halloween,” said Weisman of the two episodes (“Death of a Salesman” and “Book of the Dead Report”) which that website spotlighted. “They were the perfect launching pad for a horror/comedy series such as this, and the response greatly exceeded all expectations,” he continued. “Word of mouth going forward now means everything for something grassroots like this show, which will be the ‘make it or break it’ factor for Zombie Family’s future.”
As for that, “There are three more seasons in the pipeline, which would then be compiled with the first season for an eventual DVD/VOD release,” said Weisman of his plans for the series, which thus far has attracted 25,000-plus views and is climbing higher each day. “You’ll get to see the much-anticipated origin of the Zombie Family, and going forward in narrative, they will also evolve as they adapt to life among the living, gaining slightly increased cognitive abilities and motor skills.”
“But don’t worry,” he laughed. “They will still be brain-eating, misunderstood and murderous.”
Regarding the future of the property,“The response from executives has been overwhelming,” offered Weisman, “and although nothing is signed yet, there are discussions for either a television series or a feature film adaptation.”
So where can you see Zombie Family now? You’ll find two episodes below, and if you want more…
“The show has been moved to its own Zombie Family YouTube channel, and I encourage horror and comedy fans alike to go watch all eight episodes which are live now,” said the filmmaker. “There are so many great performances from not only the amazing principal cast, but also from all of those who appeared in cameos as well.”
Stay tuned to the Zombie Family on their Facebook page, and follow Zombie Family on Twitter.

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