Tickets Go On Sale Tomorrow for JOE BOB’S DRIVE-IN JAMBOREE

Joe Bob Briggs and the Mahoning Drive-In have announced for the inaugural Joe Bob’s Drive-In Jamboree. The three-day celebration of movies and Americana takes place July 16th through 18th. Tickets will go on sale tomorrow, April 23rd at noon EDT.
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Each day of the Jamboree is a separate event. And on the grounds of the iconic Mahoning Drive-In, situated in the Appalachian foothills. It has become a destination for genre film fans from all over America. Besides the movie events each night, daytime activities will include live music and sideshow acts. Plus, vendors, merchandise tables, “tent screenings,” and meet-and-greets with celebrity guests. Not to mention, photo ops, and special seminars for low-budget filmmakers.
“The Mahoning was born out of pure fandom and an undying love and appreciation of drive-in culture,” said Virgil Cardamone, Partner at the fan-favorite venue in Lehighton, PA. “For the Mahoning team to join forces with The Last Drive-In crew is purely a match made in Mutant Heaven. We are honored to be the meeting ground for like-minded fans to come together and experience this once-in-a-lifetime drive-in event with the king of the drive-in, Joe Bob Briggs.”
Briggs added, “The American drive-in is a special institution that’s one-half about watching movies, and one-half about having a communal experience. So our Jamboree is a combination film festival, TV show, haunted house attraction, concert, horror convention, camp-out, and summer barbecue staged in honor of that tradition. We hope the Jamboree is also a sanctuary for our fans who have been cooped up for a year, waiting to be released from the Plague. We may not be able to shake hands yet or to hug one another, but we will at least be able to hoot and holler.”
There are 3 parts to Joe Bob’s Drive-In Jamboree:
Friday, July 16th: Joe Bob’s 1st Annual Mutant Fest
Honoring his long-standing commitment to guerrilla filmmakers, Joe Bob will host two feature films and ten shorts. The winners of an ultra-low-budget competition that attracted hundreds of entries from across the globe.
Winners will receive the coveted Drive-In Academy Award. Better known as the “Hubbie” because it’s engraved on a Chevy hubcap. Joe Bob will also present the Lifetime Achievement Hubbie. Past winners of the Hubbie include Roger Corman, Stephen King, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Related Article: MUTANT FEST Now Accepting Film Submissions for Joe Bob Briggs’ 3-Day Drive-In Jamboree
The fest will accept Mutant Fest entries through May 1st at The festival is devoted to transgressive films financed outside traditional distribution networks.
Saturday, July 17th: The Last Drive-In Live!
For fans who have asked to be on the set of Joe Bob’s hit streaming show, this day may be their one and only chance.
Joe Bob, Darcy, and the rest of the gang who appear regularly on will be onstage to host a classic double feature in The Last Drive-In style. With the entire show projected onto the massive Mahoning screen. Which celebrity guests will show up for the festivities? There’s only one way to find out because nothing will be announced in advance.
Sunday, July 18th: Joe Bob’s Drive-in of Dread
For the final day of the Jamboree, they will transform the Mahoning into a landscape with set pieces that come alive with ghouls, zombies, and monsters. While Joe Bob hosts two iconic 1950s horror classics from the projection booth, undead redneck mutants and other sinister creatures will attack the cars and frighten the festival-goers (in a Covid-aware family-friendly way).
They will release further details in the coming weeks as they add daytime events.
Drive-in fans are a hearty and robust group. But safety is key at the Jamboree. So a number of precautions are in place to ensure compliance with all local and state COVID protocols. There will be a full mask requirement for all three days. That’s for common areas, restrooms, vendor areas, concession areas, and meet-and-greet tables. Masks will be available for anyone needing one. Attendees will not have to wear a mask within their own vehicle.
Additionally, the Mahoning staff will be regularly sanitizing common areas. And hand sanitizer will be available for all attendees at all key locations.
Joe Bob’s Drive-in Jamboree tickets will go on sale tomorrow at noon EDT April 23rd at
