Serial Killers and Earthquakes on Tap for Shake

The Wrap
Having been through several earthquakes since moving to California, I can tell you first-hand that they’re no fun at all. In fact, the feeling of helplessness that washes over you during them really sucks. Now imagine if you will a madman being on the loose during one.
According to The Wrap, in 2009 Jerry Bruckheimer Films tapped 3:10 to Yuma scriptwriters Michael Brandt and Derek Hass to adapt their short story Shake for the big screen. Now the project has found a home at Paramount Pictures with Bruckheimer producing for the studio.
Taking place during an earthquake, the story follows FBI agent Tim Cooper, who has Parkinson’s disease, and his partner, who are trying to track down a brutal serial killer who has been their target for years in Los Angeles.
Shake first appeared on Popcorn Fiction, a website created by Haas for screenwriters to show off hard-boiled fiction. Bruckheimer reportedly paid seven figures to the writers for the deal in 2009.
More as it comes.
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