Salem: The Crafting MMO Celebrates Thanksgiving With New Screens

Salem: The Crafting MMO will allow players tons of new holiday items and content to enjoy Thanksgiving in-game. Experience the town of Salem and how this once normal town became the madness that led up to the Salem Witch Trials!
From the Press Release
The wilds of Salem: The Crafting MMO can be cold, unforgiving, and treacherous, filled with merciless snakes, vengeful crickets, and the constant threat of other pilgrims. During the holiday season, however, while pilgrims past and present enjoy their Thanksgiving feasts, Paradox Interactive will be providing their players with everything they need to enjoy the holiday weekend in-game.
On November 22, all players with active accounts will receive the “Colonial Relief Package,” which comes with a Dream Catcher inspirational, a deer hide to warm any lean-to or home, corncobs and cornbread, and even every pilgrim’s favorite kind of turkey – a dead turkey. The in-game store will be loaded with other new offers as well, allowing gamers to give thanks in style.
Paradox Interactive will also provide the holiday entertainment for their loyal and hard-working colonists. Salem: The Crafting MMO is a game where just about anything can happen, as evidenced by screenshots provided by the community. In addition, since American football has yet to be invented in Salem, you may instead sit back and watch what happens when a bucket full of angry snakes is mysteriously set loose in Boston in this highlights reel from a recent live stream.
You can visit the official Salem: The Crafting MMO website to learn more about the game.

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