Exclusive: BAD MOON Star Would Do Sequel to the Werewolf Cult Classic in a Flash

Recently, our own Drew Tinnin spoke with Michael Pare about his upcoming role in Painkiller. And eventually, Bad Moon came up. And it looks like Pare would return for a sequel to Eric Red’s 1996 werewolf cult classic in a flash.
Also Read: Director Eric Red Shares BAD MOON Storyboards
Read his comments below.
He tells us: “With Eric Red? I would do it in a flash, I would do it yesterday.”
Also Read: 13 Scary 90s Movies Streaming FREE Right Now on TubiTV
Keep checking back for Drew’s FULL interview with Pare, coming soon!
Bad Moon Synopsis:
Ted (Michael Paré) is working in Nepal when he and his girlfriend are attacked by a mysterious creature. Ted, though brutally maimed, survives, but his girlfriend is not so lucky. To help his recovery, Ted moves close to his sister, Janet (Mariel Hemingway), and her son, Brett (Mason Gamble), but soon realizes he was attacked by a werewolf. Ted is helpless to stop his transformation and only Brett’s German shepherd, Thor, is able to see that Ted is a danger to everyone around him.
It’s based on the novel Thor by Wayne Smith, which tells the story from the dog’s viewpoint. Near Dark writer and The Hitcher director, Eric Red helmed Bad Moon.

How much do you dig Bad Moon?
Make sure to let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also hit me up over on Twitter @MikeSpregg325.