THREE FROM HELL Now Has Higher Rotten Tomatoes Score Than THE DEVIL’S REJECTS

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait. I think I found a glitch in the matrix. I just looked it up and it turns out the writer-director Rob Zombie’s Three From Hell now has a higher Rotten Tomatoes score than his undeniable masterpiece The Devil’s Rejects.
Also Read: Rob Zombie Shares Rare Pic of “Dr. Satan” on Set of THE DEVIL’S REJECTS
Read more below.
The Devil’s Rejects sports a 55% approval rating over on Rotten Tomatoes. The Critics Consensus: Zombie has improved as a filmmaker since “House of 1000 Corpses” and will please fans of the genre, but beware — the horror is nasty, relentless, and sadistic.
And then…
Three From Hell film sports a 58% approval rating over on Rotten Tomatoes. The Critics Consensus: 3 from Hell may be of interest to fans of the trilogy, but those not already on board with Rob Zombie’s gory saga will find little to lure them in here.
Okay, I know this only proves some people’s rather aggressive point that Rotten Tomatoes is useless. But it is pretty amazing. I mean, I know the site bases its scores on more than “this is better than that” but come on. This is fucking wild. I held my tongue about my feeling regarding Three From Hell for over a year now. But really, that movie was pretty fucking bad. I’d rank it just above 31 in Zombie’s filmography. Wait… Ranking All Eight Rob Zombie Movies… Sounds like fun. Stay tuned!

Do you think Rob Zombie’s Three From Hell is better than The Devil’s Rejects?
Be sure to let us know what you think in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! And you can also hit me up over on Twitter @MikeSpregg325.