How To Make Horror Movies with IKEA Instructions (21 Pics)

Some assemble required. Artist Ed Harrington shows us how to make horror movie characters with IKEA instructions in his killer art series. This includes Jason, Freddy, Chucky, Candyman, and many, many more!
Also Read: 13 Scary Horror Movies Based On True Stories / Real Life
Check out artist Ed Harrington’s killer collection below!
01. They Live

02. Child’s Play

03. The Human Centipede

04. RoboCop

05. Hellraiser

06. The Fly

07. A Nightmare on Elm Street

08. Gremlins

09. The Lost Boys

10. Candyman

11. The Silence of the Lambs

12. Carrie

13. Friday the 13th

14. The Silence of the Lambs

15. Beetlejuice

16. Ringu / The Ring

17. Midsommar

18. The Omen

19. Alien

20. Pet Sematary

21. Pet Sematary

While all of these pieces are pretty killer, I think the best is… I guess, Gremlins. I mean that one makes the most sense to me. The Human Centipede is pretty good too. Again, I like all of them. As you might imagine. After all, why would I share all of them if I didn’t dig them? Exactly. So which ones are YOUR favorite? Let us know below!
You can go ahead and buy your copies of these prints and many more amazing pieces of Ed’s art right over HERE.

What do you think of this art series by artist Ed Harrington?
Make sure to let us know in the comments below or also on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also hit me up over on Twitter @MikeSpregg325.
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