Netflix’s New Scary Movie Has Horror Fans Divided

Netflix’s new horror-thriller Things Heard and Seen with Amanda Seyfried and Natalia Dyer (Stranger Things) hit last month. And it has horror movie fans divided.

Also Read: Official Trailer | Netflix’s THINGS HEARD & SEEN with Amanda Seyfried

Check out some reactions and also more info below.

I really dug the movie. I thought it was fucking great, actually. But maybe that’s because I love 70s horror-thrillers like Let’s Scare Jessica to Death and Don’t Look Now. Plus, a good mindfuck (ala David Lynch and also Lars Von Trier) is always welcome on my screen. I think the movie deserves much more credit than it’s getting online. Maybe this will get you to also watch it. I think you’ll also dig it. But I guess we’ll have to wait and see, won’t we? Let us know!

Based on Elizabeth Brundage’s All Things Cease to Appear. It follows a Manhattan couple who move to a historic hamlet in the Hudson Valley. And come to discover that their marriage has sinister darkness, one that also rivals their new home’s history.

Robert Pulcini and also Shari Springer Berman (American SplendorTen Thousand Saints) direct the adaptation. James Norton also stars along with Rhea Seehorn, Alex Neustaedter, and F. Murray Abraham (The Grand Budapest Hotel and also Amadeus).

ALSO READ: First Look: Amanda Seyfried’s Thriller THINGS HEARD AND SEEN

The film sports also a 38% approval rating over on Rotten Tomatoes. The Critics Consensus: The terrors in Things Heard & Seen are overwhelmed by a banal and also uninspired adaptation. One that also fails to connect to its haunting source material.

Things Heard and Seen with Amanda Seyfried and also Natalia Dyer is now streaming on Netflix.

Netflix Things Heard and Seen

What do you think? Did you also dig the movie?

Make sure to let us know in the comments below or also on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also hit me up over on Twitter @MikeSpregg325.



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